This is real life...

As my time in Tulum winds down, I find myself doing a lot of reflecting around this experience. Talking to my mom the other day, I mentioned trying to clarify for myself how everything that I’ve learned through this trip will now translate into “real life”. After a quiet pause she responded with; “but this is real life”, and it was like lightening striking - oh course it is…I looked around, and the thought came to me that this - this moment - is my life.

We have to get out of the thought process that we are living for the weekend, or working toward a vacation. We have to get used to lIving every single day to the absolute fullest. For every day is a new opportunity for us to evolve, to move forward along the path and purpose for which we are destined. It is literally our responsibility to take every chance we get to laugh, grow, connect, engage, inspire, be inspired and love.

It is all life, and we only get one - LIVE IT.